2021 City of Calgary ‘Guidebook for Great Communities’ Updates
What is ‘the Guidebook’?
This City of Calgary planning document called the “Guidebook for Great Communities” will become a foundational planning document when adopted by City Council. All future local area plans will reference its contents, which outline a variety of residential districts, commercial areas and industrial areas in anticipation of redeveloping all of the inner city and established neighbourhoods. City Council will consider the Guidebook at its Public Hearing on March 22, 2021. A City of Calgary presentation regarding the Guidebook may be viewed here.
Why is it important to members of Upper and Lower Mount Royal?
While we presently have (and are satisfied with them), the Lower Mount Royal Area Redevelopment Plan and the Upper Mount Royal Area Redevelopment Plan, the City plans to replace them with a new Local Area Plan, tentatively called the West Elbow Communities Local Area Plan. There will be upwards of 16 communities, including Lower Mount Royal and Upper Mount Royal, in this new plan which is expected to start work in early 2021. It will refer to the Guidebook in identifying areas for redevelopment and outline the nature of redevelopment, ranging from 3 storeys all the way up to more than 20 storeys in areas that are currently as allowing only single-family detached housing.
Engage with us!
The MRCA is preparing a position to be presented to City Council prior to the meeting. We request community member attendance at a Town Hall virtual meeting where details about the guidebook, questions and discussion will occur. Your voice and feedback will be critical to our representing our membership in our messaging to City Council.
What Can I Do Now?
- Be Informed:
- Sign up now to attend the Virtual MRCA Town Hall Meeting on March 3rd at 7pm. Agenda details and sign in information will be forwarded to registered attendees.
- Attend a virtual presentation/Q&A Forum offered by the City of Calgary:
- Review details available from the City of Calgary regarding the Guidebook.
- Ensure your 2020-21 MRCA Membership is current to receive updates about important community issues, activities and events. Renew here
- Speak Up:
- Send questions/feedback in advance of the MRCA Town Hall. Questions will be addressed online in advance or during the meeting. Your feedback will help inform our MRCA response.
- Contact City Council about your position on the Guidebook no later than noon on Monday, March 15, 2021:
- Via individual Ward Councillors:
- Via: online submission (preferred), City Clerk, #8007, The City of Calgary P.O. Box 2100, Station “M” Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M5 or email at cityclerk@calgary.ca