Meet Our Director of Heritage
Hello MRCA!
I’m thrilled to be part of the MRCA Board as the new Director of Heritage. This is a new position this year and so far it’s been focused on understanding the current and future heritage opportunities for MRCA and researching easily accessible resources to collect sources and begin sharing pieces of Mount Royal history with the community.
I have a PhD in history and my research interests are in landscape architecture and urban form, especially in the early 20th century. I hope to build on the research completed by our amazing summer students Sydney and Lauren to contribute more to the MRCA website. You may have met these two at the Stampede BBQ or seen their work on the history board at the Station House or on our new Instagram account, @mrca.yyc.
Heritage Updates
In my role, I’ve had ongoing conversations with other inner-city older neighborhoods about potential for future collaborative programs. I’ve also met with Heritage Calgary to understand their strategic vision and how current and future MRCA heritage projects might align with that. Heritage Calgary has published a walking tour of Mount Royal. Click HERE to view it.
I look forward to helping interested community members share their stories and do research that contributes to MRCA heritage knowledge. I also hope to build on the research completed by Sydney and Lauren to contribute more to the MRCA website. If residents have questions or suggestions, please reach out at heritage@mrca.ca.
-Shannon Murray, Heritage Director