2025 Casino – Call for Volunteers

The MRCA has been slotted for a casino fundraising event on Saturday & Sunday July 26-27, 2025 at the Elbow River Casino. The casino event is an integral part of generating funding for the MRCA that allows us to keep running our programs and facilities. Our previous Treasurer, Andy Lam, has been pivotal in assisting the MRCA with organizing the fundraiser in the past so we would like to provide a huge thank you to Andy for ensuring the MRCA was in a good fundraising position and assisting our new Treasurer, Toma, with a smooth transition into the role.

The casino fundraising event is approximately 3x all membership, tennis and hall rental revenues combined and provides the funds necessary for about 46% of our community association’s budget. The past casino fundraiser has allowed us to resurface our tennis and basketball courts, maintain & operate the hall and to purchase a new ice resurfacing machine to keep our skating rink pristine. One of our previous Vice Presidents, Jeff Nichol, has been our lead volunteer with the skating rink and has volunteered countless hours over the past few years to make sure we have a smooth skating rink for us to enjoy.

For this year’s casino fundraiser we require around 25 more volunteers to fulfil all the required positions. The table (attached below) shows the available slots we are looking to staff. If you are able to donate your time for the important fundraiser it would be greatly appreciated!

To sign up, follow the link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AA8A62EA5FAC25-55223965-mrca or email treasurer@mrca.ca.