There are 2 Calgary Board of Education Schools (one elementary, one junior high) located in Mount Royal and one CBE high school, just adjacent to our boundaries.
Earl Grey Elementary School: This Kindergarten to grade 6 school is located in the heart of our community with a long and strong history of serving Mount Royal children since 1968. The school boasts exceptional academic provincial achievement results in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science and an enriched fine arts program. Earl Grey school is also host to a private pre-school and before and after school programming.
Mount Royal School: This junior high (grades 7-9) school straddles Lower and Upper Mount Royal, located on 14th Street SW. Mount Royal School reflects the diversity of our community, with a student population comprised of many different backgrounds. In fact, amongst the current student population, students were born in more than 40 countries and speak more than 40 different languages!
Western Canada High School is a CBE Secondary School located just adjacent to our community boundary. Western Canada High School’s name was taken from Western Canada College a private boys college which operated from 1905-1928 when the land was sold to the Calgary Board of Education. Today the high school offers many programs including: Early French Immersion, International Baccalaureate (IB), Late French Immersion, Off-Campus Work Experience, and International Baccalaureate (French Immersion).